Infozara Consultoría Informática S. L., en adelante Infozara, es una entidad cuyo domicilio social se encuentra sito en c/ Marina Española n.º 12, pral. C, Edificio Azabache, Zaragoza; NIF: B99104721; e inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Zaragoza, tomo 3368, libro O, folio 52, hoja Z-40867.
1. Object
Infozara is an entity whose registered office is located at Calle Marina Española No. 12, pral. C, Edificio Azabache, Zaragoza. Its tax reference is B99104721. Phone: 976 25 43 76. Contact email address:
This Legal Notice contains the Terms of Use of the Website Infozara S. L., Web: that the entity Infozara makes available to Internet users.
The access and utilization of the services this Website provides imply the acceptance of these general terms, which will be applied without prejudice to the particular or special terms that, may be established. Please, therefore, read this text carefully.
2. Intellectual property
Unless the contrary is expressly stated, the contents of this portal, including, without limitation, texts, images, sounds, animations, graphics, buttons, computer programs or databases, and their design, navigation and programming structure, are the property of the entity Infozara.
These contents, the brand Infozara, and the domain names are protected by intellectual and industrial property legislation and treaties and by the rules governing domain names, and are properly registered.
Without prejudice to the permitted uses according to these Terms of Use or under the provisions of articles 31 to 34 of the Intellectual Property Law (Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December), the use of hyperlinks to this Web is allowed and the rights of disclosure, reproduction, distribution, public communication and processing of the contents of this Web belong exclusively to Infozara.
Visualization, reproduction, print and the partial download of the Web content is allowed to the users of this Website only if the following conditions are met:
The use must be compatible with the purpose of the Web and must not harm the image and the good name of Infozara, its suppliers, or their products or services.
The use must be for personal and private purposes. Any exploitation or commercial and promotional use is expressly prohibited.
The intellectual and industrial property rights of Infozara must be respected. Under no circumstances is any modification, total or partial, of the contents allowed, nor their decompilation or disassembly.
The breach of the previously listed conditions will constitute an illegal activity, which may lead to the corresponding criminal or civil penalties under the applicable law.
3. Privacidad y Protección de datos
3. Privacy and Data Protection
Personal data required for the management and maintenance of some of our services are collected through this Website. The data are included in our files which are appropriately registered in the Registry of the Data Protection Agency.
Without prejudice to the purposes indicated in each case, the information will be saved and managed by Infozara with the appropriate confidentiality, implementing IT security measures established in the applicable legislation to prevent access to or abuse of personal data, their manipulation, deterioration or loss.
If you establish communication with Infozara either by phone, fax, post or email, your data will be saved and included in a file owned by Infozara in order to respond to your query, suggestion or complaint, to report or to provide the requested service. Outside legally established circumstances, your data will not be communicated or transferred to third parties without your express consent. The file is appropriately registered in the General Register of the APD (Spanish Data Protection Agency) and the technical, legal and organizational measures set out in the regulations on protection of personal data are applied in order to prevent any unauthorized access, alteration, loss or manipulation.
The collection of your personal data is carried out with the main purpose of offering and providing the services offered on this website.
At any time you can exercise your rights of access to see, rectify or cancel your data, as well as to make objections, outside the exceptions and limits of the applicable legislation. If you wish to exercise these rights, send to Infozara a signed application, accompanied by a copy of your National Identification Document or equivalent document. Standard forms and more information are available from the APD (Spanish Data Protection Agency).
4. Limitation of Liability
The user agrees to provide complete and accurate information in the registration or subscription form.
Infozara is not responsible for the accuracy of the information other than that provided by itself and from other sources as indicated, and does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damages that may occur through the use of such information.
Infozara is exonerated from liability for any loss or damage that the User may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions, on information provided by Infozara whenever provided from sources outside Infozara.
The links (hyperlinks) or third party content appearing on this Web are provided in order to extend the information or indicate other points of view. Their inclusion does not imply acceptance of such contents, nor the association of Infozara with the persons responsible for such web pages, and Infozara therefore disclaims all liability in connection therewith, and for any potential damage that may for any reason be caused in your IT system (equipment and applications), documents or files. Infozara may only be responsible for such contents in accordance with the Information Society and e-Commerce Services Law 34/2002, of 11 July, that in case of having had actual knowledge of their illegality or of damage to the interests or property of a third party, Infozara does not remove or disable the links in question.
Infozara does not guarantee the reliability, availability and continuity of this Website or its contents for technical reasons, security, control or maintenance of the service, failures due to the server hosting the contents or other intermediaries or providers, for attacks against the computer system, or any other reasons arising from causes beyond its control, and therefore disclaims any responsibility, direct or indirect, in this respect.
Infozara is not responsible for any failures, error or damage, direct or indirect, that may be caused to the user's computer system or to the files or documents stored on it, caused by or resulting from the capacity or quality of the computer system in question or the presence of a virus or any other harmful computer application in the computer used to connect to the Web content, the quality of the connection or the access to the Internet, by a malfunction of the user's browser, or by the use of computer applications whose versions are not updated or in cases of failure to obtain the corresponding user licence.
5. Changes and Updates
The right to make, at any time and without notice, amendments and updates to the information contained on the Web, the configuration, availability and presentation of the same and of these Terms of Use is reserved to Infozara.
6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction